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All Prices

The All Prices Abstract Model describes the properties of card prices based on a card's uuid property.

Price Providers

MTGJSON currently has affiliated with the following price providers to keep a limited history of price data. The following are examples of game formats and price providers:

Model Overview

  // Card uuid property
  [key: string]: {
    // Game format
    [key: string]: {
      // Price provider
      [key: string]: {
        // Provider buylist values
        "buylist": {
          // Foil prices
          "foil": {
            // ISO 8601 date format as the key and price as value
            [key: string]: float
          // Normal prices
          "normal": {
            // ISO 8601 date format as the key and price as value
            [key: string]: float
        // Currency of the provider
        "currency": string,
        // Provider retail values
        "retail": {
          // Foil prices
          "foil": {
            // ISO 8601 date format as the key and price as value
            [key: string]: float
          // Normal prices
          "normal": {
            // ISO 8601 date format as the key and price as value
            [key: string]: float
      ... // More price providers
    ... // More game formats
  ... // More card uuids

Example Model

Here is an example model with a reduced payload:

  "0120a941-9cfb-50b5-b5e4-4e0c7bd32410": {
    "mtgo": {
      "cardhoarder": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "retail": {
          "foil": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.02
          "normal": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.02
    "paper": {
      "cardkingdom": {
        "buylist": {
          "foil": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.6
          "normal": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.01
        "currency": "USD",
        "retail": {
          "foil": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.12
          "normal": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.02
      "cardmarket": {
        "buylist": {
          "foil": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.6
          "normal": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.01
        "currency": "EUR",
        "retail": {
          "foil": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.12
          "normal": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.02
      "cardsphere": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "retail": {
          "foil": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.12
          "normal": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.02
      "tcgplayer": {
        "buylist": {
          "foil": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.6
          "normal": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.01
        "currency": "USD",
        "retail": {
          "foil": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.12
          "normal": {
            "2020-04-21": 0.02

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